for those over age 16


You will need to perform an LFT test at least every 48 hours and report this to the NHS in order to obtain your NHS COVID Pass.

Where can I get lft tests?

LFT Test Kits can be ordered from the NHS Website

Step 1 - Take your test

Take your test according to the guidance provided in the box. Remember, you must wait 30 minutes after putting your sample on the test strip before taking a reading. 

2. Report your result to the NHS

Report your result on the NHS website. You will receive a text, however this is NOT sufficient to prove your result. You need to obtain your NHS COVID Pass.

3. Get your NHS Covid Pass

Once you have submitted your LFT result to the NHS website, you will be able to obtain your NHS COVID Pass via the NHS App or website. Please see the NHS COVID Pass website for more information.

4. get your covid-safe wristband

When you arrive, our staff will scan your COVID pass using the NHS COVID Pass Verifier. This app digitally validates your pass. Upon successful validation, you will be given a COVID SAFE wristband, which will be valid for 48 hours. After this, you will need to repeat the process.

What if I cannot do an LFT test?

Please explain your situation to our COVID Safety Team at the door who will assess you on a case-by-case basis. We may ask to take your temperature and for you to complete a self-declaration symptom check form on paper. If we establish that you are eligible for the NHS COVID Pass, we will have staff on hand to assist you in obtaining this. If we are unable to admit you to the event, you you will be issued with a refund.